Phoenix is a foodie’s paradise with lots of restaurants to choose from and tremendous diversity in the kinds of foods available. From Middle Eastern to South American, Thai to Ethiopian, fun foods ranging from Hawaiian fish tacos to intriguing vegan options make North Scottsdale a great choice for a night out on the town. Visitors will also find plenty of Mexican food restaurants as well as trendy eateries with fusion cuisine. Lobster tails and steak make for a hearty dinner, and those interested in wine will not be disappointed with North Scottsdale’s wide selection. For the more internationally inclined, sushi bars and the local all-you-can-eat Brazilian steakhouse are both sure to satisfy. Burgers, fries, shakes and other traditional American fare are also available throughout the area. In North Scottsdale, you can encounter amazing culinary options as well as some of the best libations in the region.